Seaforth Publishing is about (although they've been saying that for a year) to publish Sailing into the Past, which is about learning from replica vessels. Frankly, I don't believe we've learned that much; however, I did write the chapter on the ill fated Pride of Baltimore. I'm sure there are people who are much more qualified; unfortunately, they were all dead, demented or apparently wanted too much money. Hence, by default...

Pride at her zenith

Reaching down to Cruz Bay a few weeks before her end
Pride and its fatal end have been covered elsewhere. Tom Waldron wrote a book about the sinking. My chapter mostly covers the history of Baltimore Clippers in general and the construction and early days sailing it. I've already been remonstrated for one error in the chapter. I said that Pride never had a new, matched set of sails...obviously false as shown in these photos.
Post any other corrections, or email me.