Friday, April 4, 2008

Pier 3 San Francisco at 6:30 am

Waiting for Coast Guard to show up, this is the view from the upper deck of the Flyer at 6:30 am this morning. Beautiful I suppose...if only sunrise could happen at a decent hour later in the day! I believe we avoided an inclining experiment for this vessel and substituted a "Deadweight survey", which is cheaper, faster with only a slight decrease in accuracy.

Alcatraz Flyer (ex Bay Flyer, ex Long Beach Prince) had an accurate inclining experiment and deadweight survey in 1975 (witnessed and approved by Coast Guard), the results of that are still valid. Although Flyer was recently spiffed up and repowered (de-powered), it is possible to calculate the change, if the weights are accurately known, which we do. Since the Cosco Busan disaster, local Coast Guard has be extra careful about vessel inspections.

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